German vocabulary & phrases for business Meetings & Calls

german for meetings

Whether you are already working in Germany or studying business German for your future career, meetings & video calls will be the very basis of your work life. This is why you need to be especially prepared for exactly these situations.

The rise of popularity of working from home and introduction of video calls in place of face-to-face meetings had a big impact on every aspect of business – the language included. As a result, plenty of new words and phrases entered our dictionaries from one day to another. “You are on mute”, “I’m going to share my screen”, “She has only tentatively accepted this meeting” – those and dozens of similar sentences suddenly started being used during almost every business meeting. In particular for those working in a foreign language, this can be very challenging.

This is why we compiled an up-to-date list of German vocabulary for meetings & video calls for 2022, which will help you face the new working reality with confidence and ease. 

Do you want to learn Business German?

There’s no need to read further, we have a better solution for you. Learning business German with vocabulary lists is not the most efficient way. Instead, try focusing on real-life communication to improve your speaking and listening skills, which is what you will need at work. With our audio course, you can do exactly that!

Our Business German audio course will help you learn over 1,000 essential phrases quickly and without effort. Thanks to our three innovative listening modes you will memorize entire German sentences in no time, and master perfect German pronunciation.

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Business German vocabulary for Meetings & Calls

Next, we prepared a list of the most important vocabulary in German. You can copy and paste them to your notebook to study later or simply read through them for reference. We hope you’ll find the list useful!

🇬🇧 meeting🇩🇪 Sitzung
🇬🇧 calendar🇩🇪 Kalender
🇬🇧 tentatively (accept a meeting)🇩🇪 vorläufig (ein Treffen akzeptieren)
🇬🇧 camera🇩🇪 Kamera
🇬🇧 to be on mute🇩🇪 auf stumm schalten
🇬🇧 to turn on🇩🇪 einschalten
🇬🇧 to join🇩🇪 beitreten
🇬🇧 weather🇩🇪 Wetter
🇬🇧 to turn off🇩🇪 ausschalten
🇬🇧 to be stuck (in a meeting)🇩🇪 festsitzen (in einer Besprechung)
🇬🇧 to let somebody know🇩🇪 jemandem Bescheid geben
🇬🇧 slide🇩🇪 Folie
🇬🇧 noise🇩🇪 Lärm
🇬🇧 delayed🇩🇪 verzögert
🇬🇧 on short notice🇩🇪 Kurzfristig
🇬🇧 internet connection🇩🇪 Internetverbindung
🇬🇧 to dial in🇩🇪 einwählen
🇬🇧 introduction🇩🇪 Einführung
🇬🇧 to discuss🇩🇪 besprechen
🇬🇧 to introduce🇩🇪 einführen
🇬🇧 agenda🇩🇪 Tagesordnung
🇬🇧 topic🇩🇪 Thema
🇬🇧 update🇩🇪 Update
🇬🇧 slightly🇩🇪 leicht
🇬🇧 to send🇩🇪 senden
🇬🇧 to wrap up🇩🇪 zum Abschluss bringen
🇬🇧 to stay🇩🇪 zu bleiben
🇬🇧 follow-up meeting🇩🇪 Folgetreffen
🇬🇧 to suit🇩🇪 anpassen
🇬🇧 to leave🇩🇪 verlassen
🇬🇧 invitation🇩🇪 Einladung
🇬🇧 to cancel🇩🇪 absagen
🇬🇧 email🇩🇪 E-Mail
🇬🇧 to attend🇩🇪 teilnehmen
🇬🇧 to reschedule🇩🇪 umplanen
🇬🇧 to be double-booked🇩🇪 doppelt gebucht sein
🇬🇧 to raise a hand🇩🇪 eine Hand heben
🇬🇧 virtual🇩🇪 virtuell
🇬🇧 screen control🇩🇪 Bildschirmsteuerung
🇬🇧 mouse🇩🇪 Maus
🇬🇧 presenter🇩🇪 Präsentator
🇬🇧 poll🇩🇪 Umfrage
🇬🇧 breakout room🇩🇪 Breakout-Raum
🇬🇧 business trip🇩🇪 Geschäftsreise
🇬🇧 to record🇩🇪 aufzeichnen
🇬🇧 attendance🇩🇪 Teilnahme
🇬🇧 face-to-face meeting🇩🇪 persönliches Treffen
🇬🇧 to schedule🇩🇪 planen
🇬🇧 absence🇩🇪 Abwesenheit
🇬🇧 recurring meeting🇩🇪 Wiederkehrende Besprechung
🇬🇧 microphone🇩🇪 Mikrofon
German vocabulary for Meetings & Calls

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Business German phrases for Meetings & Calls

Additionally, here are some business German sentences for you. Learning through sentences can help you master both vocabulary and grammar at the same time.

🇬🇧 Could you please remind me what time our meeting is tomorrow?🇩🇪 Kannst du mich bitte daran erinnern, wann unser Treffen morgen stattfindet?
🇬🇧 Please schedule a meeting for next week. My calendar is always updated.🇩🇪 Bitte vereinbare ein Treffen für nächste Woche. Mein Kalender ist immer auf dem neuesten Stand.
🇬🇧 She has only tentatively accepted the meeting.🇩🇪 Sie hat das Treffen nur mit Vorbehalt zugesagt.
🇬🇧 Your camera is still off.🇩🇪 Deine Kamera ist immer noch aus.
🇬🇧 We can’t hear you. You are on mute.🇩🇪 Wir können dich nicht hören. Du bist stumm geschaltet.
🇬🇧 I suggest we all turn our cameras on.🇩🇪 Ich schlage vor, wir schalten alle unsere Kameras ein.
🇬🇧 Let’s wait for everyone to join.🇩🇪 Lasst uns warten, bis alle da sind.
🇬🇧 So, what’s the weather like over there?🇩🇪 Also, wie ist das Wetter da drüben?
🇬🇧 I will turn off the camera, maybe that will help.🇩🇪 Ich werde die Kamera ausschalten, vielleicht hilft das ja.
🇬🇧 I see that he is still stuck in another meeting.🇩🇪 Ich sehe, dass er immer noch in einer anderen Besprechung feststeckt.
German phrases for Meetings & Calls

Before you go…

With Blangly, you will learn over 1000 essential phrases that will help you communicate in German in any work situation. Try out our ultimate business German course here.

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