Human Resources in German? Here’s All You Need! (Ultimate Resource List)

HR vocabulary German

Are you starting to work as a recruiter in Germany? Dreaming of a job as an HR Coordinator? Hoping for a promotion to HR Business Partner? Or are you a HR Director or VP being relocated to a German-speaking country? Whatever your situation, mastering business German will be the key to your further professional success!

Learning German for work may seem overwhelming at first, we understand. To lend you a helping hand, we prepared an extensive list of vocabulary and sentences around the topic of Human Resources in German. Covering the essential words, it will be a good basis for you to start speaking German with your colleagues or clients on a daily basis. 

Are you looking for business German resources?

We know that finding high-quality and engaging materials to study German for work can be very challenging. Books on the topic are quite scarce, and the content is often outdated and not relevant to the modern workplace. On the other hand, finding a specialized business German teacher or stationary course can really strain your budget.

Does that mean there are no good learning materials available on the market? Absolutely not! Here’s where Blangly comes into play!

Our business German audio course is an intensive, innovative course created especially for office employees. It will help you learn thousands of relevant words and phrases in record time, thanks to its unique immersion method. Don’t waste any more time and check out our three groundbreaking learning modes. Mastering business German has never been easier!

Corporate German – HR vocabulary in German

Now let’s get down to business – here’s your set of most useful German words on the topic. If you feel that anything is missing, let us know in the comment section.

🇬🇧 human resources🇩🇪 Personalabteilung
🇬🇧 to interview🇩🇪 Vorstellungsgespräch führen
🇬🇧 annual leave🇩🇪 Jahresurlaub
🇬🇧 application🇩🇪 Bewerbung
🇬🇧 to hire🇩🇪 einstellen
🇬🇧 internship🇩🇪 Praktikum
🇬🇧 bank holiday🇩🇪 Feiertag
🇬🇧 sick leave🇩🇪 Krankschreibung
🇬🇧 recruiter🇩🇪 Anwerber
🇬🇧 workers council🇩🇪 Betriebsrat
🇬🇧 labour law🇩🇪 Arbeitsrecht
🇬🇧 hard skills🇩🇪 Hard-Skills
🇬🇧 benefit🇩🇪 Leistung
🇬🇧 absenteeism rate🇩🇪 Abwesenheitsquote
🇬🇧 resignation🇩🇪 Kündigung
🇬🇧 to recognize🇩🇪 anerkennen
🇬🇧 home office🇩🇪 Home-Office
🇬🇧 work-life balance🇩🇪 Work-Life-Balance
🇬🇧 wellbeing🇩🇪 Wohlbefinden
🇬🇧 organizational🇩🇪 organisatorisch
🇬🇧 insurance🇩🇪 Versicherung
🇬🇧 payroll🇩🇪 Gehaltsabrechnung
🇬🇧 cover letter🇩🇪 Anschreiben
🇬🇧 sick note🇩🇪 Krankmeldung
🇬🇧 out of office🇩🇪 Nicht im Büro
🇬🇧 team building🇩🇪 Teambildung
🇬🇧 training🇩🇪 Ausbildung
🇬🇧 overtime🇩🇪 Überstunden
🇬🇧 to enrol🇩🇪 einschreiben
🇬🇧 orientation🇩🇪 Einführung
🇬🇧 severance🇩🇪 Abfindung
🇬🇧 dress code🇩🇪 Kleiderordnung
🇬🇧 lay-off🇩🇪 Entlassung
🇬🇧 candidate🇩🇪 Bewerber
🇬🇧 inclusion🇩🇪 Einbeziehung
🇬🇧 desirable🇩🇪 wünschenswert
🇬🇧 maternity🇩🇪 Mutterschaft
🇬🇧 burnout🇩🇪 Burnout
🇬🇧 discrimination🇩🇪 Diskriminierung
🇬🇧 part-time🇩🇪 Teilzeit
🇬🇧 equal🇩🇪 gleichberechtigt
🇬🇧 to terminate🇩🇪 entlassen
🇬🇧 to threaten🇩🇪 drohen
🇬🇧 strike🇩🇪 Streik
🇬🇧 unemployment🇩🇪 Arbeitslosigkeit
🇬🇧 to refer🇩🇪 verweisen
🇬🇧 flexible🇩🇪 flexibel
🇬🇧 retirement🇩🇪 Ruhestand
🇬🇧 onboarding🇩🇪 Einschulung
🇬🇧 shift🇩🇪 Schicht
🇬🇧 allowance🇩🇪 Zuschuss
German for HR – vocabulary

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Wirtschaftsdeutsch – phrases for HR in German

For your convenience, we have also compiled a list of some business German sentences you can use. It is a good idea to keep them handy and write them down so you can easily refer to them when needed!

🇬🇧 With almost 100 people, human resources is currently our biggest department.🇩🇪 Mit fast 100 Mitarbeitern ist die Personalabteilung derzeit unsere größte Abteilung.
🇬🇧 It’s the company’s policy to interview all of the candidates.🇩🇪 Es ist Unternehmensrichtlinie, alle Bewerber zu interviewen.
🇬🇧 You are entitled to 25 days of annual leave.🇩🇪 Du hast einen Anspruch auf 25 Tage Urlaub im Jahr.
🇬🇧 Out of all the applications we received, only three passed the initial screening.🇩🇪 Von allen Bewerbungen, die wir erhalten haben, haben nur drei das erste Screening bestanden.
🇬🇧 It’s not easy to hire a good developer, especially in Germany.🇩🇪 Es ist nicht leicht, einen guten Entwickler einzustellen, besonders in Deutschland.
🇬🇧 The company is well known for its internship program.🇩🇪 Das Unternehmen ist bekannt für sein Praktikantenprogramm.
🇬🇧 Everyone is excited because tomorrow is a bank holiday.🇩🇪 Alle freuen sich, weil morgen ein Feiertag ist.
🇬🇧 I don’t remember the last time I’ve been on sick leave.🇩🇪 Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wann ich das letzte Mal krankgeschrieben war.
🇬🇧 A recruiter will help you to schedule the interview.🇩🇪 Ein Recruiter wird dir helfen den Termin für das Vorstellungsgespräch zu vereinbaren.
🇬🇧 We will need the approval of the workers’ council before sending the survey.🇩🇪 Wir brauchen die Zustimmung des Betriebsrats, bevor wir die Umfrage verschicken.
German for HR – phrases

One last thing…

Real-world communication is at the heart of our Business German audio course, so you never waste your time learning useless words. Click here to discover the secret to mastering business German once and for all!

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Covers 20 essential business topics and only relevant vocabulary. Blangly is your way to land a dream job in Germany!


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